For a nominal fee, select your seat and enjoy optimum comfort on board. Once your seat is reserved, enhance your flight experience with Option Plus for more privileges and services in Economy Class!

  • When? Seat selection and Option Plus are available up to 24 hours before departure. Passengers can pre-order their gourmet meals up to 48 hours before their departing flights.
  • How? Complete the form below. Passengers will need their flight confirmation/e-ticket and credit card.
  • Price: Select your destination in our Seat Selection price grid on the right.
Prices are in Canadian Dollars ($CAD)

All fields are mandatory

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Special needs? Travelling with an infant or a family of 6 or more?
Call us at 1-877-TRANSAT (1-877-872-6728) at least 48 hours before departure.

For people who are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, or for those with speech disabilities, access Bell Relay Service: 

You must then instruct the Bell Relay Service operator to contact our contact centre at the following numbers: 1-866-234-5136 or 514-906-5196.